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Oh, and in full disclosure: I'm not a pacifist. I'm a "recovering Republican" who is now seeking the Truth. Feel free to blame me for voting for Bush TWICE. Yes, it *is* my fault. I repent and seek your forgiveness. But I believe I have received newly found wisdom due to my "cardboard/lemming-like" Christianity.

I just wrote an abolutely scintilating, nihilist diatribe directed at the overwhelming tsunami of horror that envelopes me (and all of us) in every nook and cranny of my mind and body. (but I lost it while looking for a quote) On every front....political cowardice, corporate greed, avarice, and covetuosness (so called the 'bottom line'), national desperation to corner the last few drips of ancient energy... at the cost of trillions and the death of millions. Blackwater, black oil, black pit of hell on earth. Oh save our light bulbs, our TV's, our oil heated homes, our swimming pools, so that we needn't be concerned about those undeserving wretches who have no food or water. I watch FSTV, Democracy Now, Bill Moyers. I read the NY Times, the Washington Post, I listen to Air America Radio, I read what books I am allowed to afford. I am become aware of the massive assault on the human spirit. When I am not in the depths of despair, I am screaming in anger and tears for all who would hear; at the debacle that engulfs me and thee. Their are Christians who cheer at my tears for this immenent demise of the earth, for it heralds the second coming. And a few,,,a very few.... will be lifted aloft to their individual version of heaven. We have a president who when queried about the deplorable state of our planet, made some inane reply followed by the statement..."but we won't be around then"... How convenient for him and his 'base'! I don't recall a single reporter, TV news pundet or editor picking up on that incredible line. We should all have taken warning. I am sucked under, suffocated, drowning in a sea of cowardly politicians bought and sold by corporate power. Corporate media that is ordered to hide the truth from us, (like 250,000 soldiers in the first gulf war, permanently dissabled from our own weapons of mass destruction...made from depleted uranium) by hideous evil, perpetrated on the helpless peoples of the world called 'free trade' but clothed in beautiful twist words singing the praise of corporate 'love and caring'. But why do I anguish over these inconsequential struggles. Do they not pale into insignificance next to seas 23 feet higher than our gasping mouths? Does even Shakespeare leap into our clammoring minds when he writes...To-morow and to-morrow and tomorow creeps in this petty pace from day to dayto the last syllable of recorded timeand all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to (watery) deathOut out brief (world) Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot...full of sound and fury...signifying nothing......

selected partnerships through an existing contract involving the Consortium. For Part II, the Federal funding will be made available to the selected partnerships through competitive awards to one or more private partners to be selected by the U.S. DOT/FHWA, with appropriate input and consent from the selected metropolitan areas. Federal funding for the TTID program shall be used to support: 1. Creation of a process and mechanism to collect, integrate, archive, manage, and report new and existing transportation data for mobility and performance monitoring, planning, evaluation, and other similar purposes; 2. Creation of a data repository of new and existing real-time traveler information for dissemination to the traveling public through a variety of delivery mechanisms, including support for a 511 based telephone service, and free public access to basic traveler information, and commercial traveler information services; 3. Creation of a regional transportation information system that integrates and supplements existing surveillance infrastructure to support public sector transportation management needs and private sector commercialization; and 4. Accommodation/integration of existing transportation data collection, archival, and dissemination mechanisms. There will be a twenty percent matching share ($500,000 match required if full $2 million in federal funds is provided) that must be from non-federally derived funding sources, as required in sections 5508 of SAFETEA-LU and 5117(b)(3) of TEA-21. For the purposes of this program, this matching share must consist of a cash contribution to the project. The non-federally derived funding may come from State, local government, or private sector partners.

Mr. Scahill and Mr. Moyer,Perhaps we shouldn't be in Iraq, Afghanistan, Darfur, Korea, Germany or any other place to engage despots. If people want freedom, let them fight for it themselves. Hmmmmm! Interesting thoughts. As far as the comments about Blackwater protecting all those dignitaries and comments about all those private "mercenaries", for every Blackwater employee protecting a dignitary or a general, there are 20 or 30 other private security professionals protecting regular employees, like engineers, going out to power plants, water treatment plants and other reconstruction jobs. Check the definition of mercenary. There may be some there, but most Americans, British, Australian and others from "coalition" countries would not be classified as mercenaries. Further, check the Geneva Convention definition, Art. 47, Part 2,(d) "is neither a national of a Party to the conflict nor a resident of territory controlled by a Party to the conflict;" which means if they are American citizens in the employ of the U.S. government, a "party of the conflict" then they are not technically a mercenary. Personally, I did not care for Blackwater's methods, but there's a lot more to this than what was discussed on PBS. Here are some questions for Mr. Scahill: Mr. Scahill,Who provides your security when you go to Iraq? What are the alternatives to Blackwater type companies? Would you propose U.S. soldiers fill all the security positions in Iraq? Would you move around Iraq with an all-Iraqi security team? Would you ride with a security team that allows cars to pull up next to it and ask, "Hey, sir, excuse me, but do you have any terrorists aboard, any bombs aboard?" Do you believe, under the current conditions that are chaotic, crazy, kaleidoscope, Sunni-against-Shia, Shia-against-Shia, tribal group against tribal group and seemingly everybody but the Moldovans against the U.S., that the job can be done with no one being hurt, maimed, killed and displaced? What is the difference between private security guards protecting U.S. reconstruction engineers (and media stars) in Iraq and a private guard protecting the entrance to PBS headquarters in Washington, D.C. or the local bank in your home town? Do you recall the photo of the little girl covered in blood with an American soldier standing over her after having killed her parents? Is there much difference who kills the parents -- an American soldier or an American paid private security professional? If we pay Blackwater $900 a day for a security professional, and the security professional gets $350, how much goes to insurance, admin and logistics, transport, food, etc for the security professional? How much does it cost to pay, train, deploy, feed, house and provide all the support for a soldier? Do you believe it best to use soldiers at $40,000 a year to hold the costs down? Do you believe former soldiers should have a cap on their pay when they work in private industry? Do you work for $40,000 a year? I don't believe we should have gone to Iraq in the first place, do you? Why is it that Sean Penn, Bono, the Baldwin brothers, Mia Farrow, et al can get $10 or $20 million for a year's work on a movie, go to Africa and trumpet their work, or some basketball player gets a $50 million deal, and yet people bemoan some poor chump coming out of the cotton fields and is getting $150 to $200 grand a year for getting shot at? Do you believe that if the Iraqis had wanted freedom they should have fought for it themselves, without our intervention? Since those in your camp would not have private security professionals; and another large segment of the population would not have us deploy U.S. troops to war zones to come home in body bags, and the U.N. have proven incapable, who will do the job? Or, do we just do nothing? Do you propose isolationism? Do you see any utility in using such an agency as the CIA to operate as has been described in "Ghost Wars" and other publications? What should our role be in international affairs -- philanthropic only? Should we just pass out beans to prevent starvation and condoms to thwart AIDS? Do you believe if we do nothing but good and caring things, people like Idi Amin, or the current junta in Myanmar will suddenly become benevolent and loving, caring democratic leaders? How would you propose we deal with despotic crazed killers murdering tens of thousands of villagers in Darfur? Should we just send them a letter asking them, politely, to not do bad things? How do you think the American public would react if we deployed troops to Darfur and the first body bag comes back to the U.S.? How would the press play the issue, when the first body bag comes back from Darfur, or another place our troops might be deployed to prevent tens of thousands of people from being slaughtered? Do you believe in the international "court of public opinion" we are damned if we do, and damned if we don't -- we go and when innocents are killed and our soldiers are killed we are damned, and if we don't go we are damned for doing nothing -- do you believe that is the case? In March of 2004 were any of the private security companies, or the military, prepared to provide the full scale of support needed today? Do you believe you could run such an operation letter-perfect, without error? Do you believe the U.S. military, as a whole, moves through areas without intimidating locals? I'll buy your book and see if you present a balanced case -- do you believe in your heart-of-hearts you are giving a balanced view? Thanks for your time and consideration. Tim Pasquarelli, 24-year Army vet, former enlisted soldier, officer, infantryman and helicopter pilot, Vietnam Vet, 15-year veteran of private security in 10 or 12 foreign countries, including Iraq and Afghanistan; independent consultant to mining and petroleum companies, currently a graduate student at 61 years of age at Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO. 2ff7e9595c

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