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James Rachels The Debate Over Free Will Summary

After a general introduction to philosophy and logic and an explanation of argument analysis, the book presents selections from primary sources, arranged by topics that correspond to contemporary debates, with detailed analysis and evaluation. These topics include philosophy of religion, epistemology, theory of mind, free will and determinism, and ethics; authors include Aristotle, Aquinas, Descartes, Hume, Kant, Ryle, Fodor, Dennett, Searle, and others. What Is the Argument? not only introduces students to great philosophical thinkers, it also teaches them the essential skill of critical thinking.

It was the aftermath of 9/11 that moved me to join the ACLU, when I saw our nation willing to sacrifice our defining freedoms to try to secure a sense of safety. Freedom is far too precious, our civil rights are far too dear, to throw away in panic in a time of fear. It still stuns me that the greatest threat to our freedoms comes from our own government and its officials. Arthur - FL

James rachels the debate over free will summary

The whole purpose of 9/11 was to take away our freedoms. Until we arrest and prosecute the true purpetrators they will rule over us and continue to enslave us through economics and control of the media. Couch - NY

Clamping down on freedoms does not keep us safe. As a matter of fact, it keeps us decidedly unsafe. Sexual battery at airports, or don't fly, is safety ? Sounds more like virtual gunpointing, to me. Warrantless wiretapping without probable cause, extraordinary rendition and indefinite detention, warrantless arrests based on unilateral safety? Sounds like former Iron Curtain or Red CHina to me. Sounds like crimes. On our dime. This has nothing to do with safety, and has everything to do with power and control, all cloaked in the guise of safety. Must we pay for such abuses? THat is ludicrous! The system of checks and balances must be restored, as must our civil liberties. ANd power belongs with the judiciary as a fundamental arm of government, and part of the system of checks and balances. The oath of office to uphold, protect and defend the US Constitution must be upheld, or we will vote you out of office and expose your voting records online and in letters to the editor. Drina - CA

My prediction of a firestorm/bloodbath in this country is already years overdue. Keep on living like GODS in DC, on OUR $, while WE barely SURVIVE,..crushing down ever more heavily on the peoples freedom AND pockets....keep it up....A friend of my mothers worked at a feed store in a small arkansas town....she was amazed at how many "typical joe farmers" she heard discussing armed revolution,....WE are SICK of you MAGGOTS voting yourselves astronomical salaries , benefits, etc. allowing the corporate slime and the few already wealthy stockholders to profit by sending our jobs overseas so that they can get that second coating of platinum for their buttplugs at our expense...ANY animal will bite if mistreated long enough, even the sheep that the american people have turned into. john - WV

Freedom does not just entail a vigilance over government, it also requires vigilance over private industry, which has evolved to become the unofficial custodian of our private information. Our expression of free speech on the internet is now used to fire good workers and to prevent the hire of good ones. Our movement around cities is recorded digitally as is our health information, our purchases, our web surfing habits and private industry is all too willing to share with the information they collect with other entities--including the government. Are we free if credit bureaus can torpedo our housing applications, restrict our admittance into hospitals, prevent us from getting jobs and holding our right to start over hostage? While our eyes are all on government, corporations are eroding the freedoms we hold dear. Joseph

I think that it is important to remember that everything needs checks and balances, especially government agencies. It has been shown time and time again that our government is not immune to corruption and misuse of resources. We have the constitution, and all the rights therein, to insure that we are all treated fairly and equally. To give up these rights, in the name of fear, undermines our great nation and leaves us vulnerable to persecution at our own hand. Whether or not we are afraid, we cannot let that fear cloud or judgement and allow our government to commit atrocities, no matter the cost. Because, the cost to us, as a nation and as human being, will be greater. I really hope that there will be a time, soon, when Americans will stop being complacent and content in their lives, and realize that, thought we think we are free, our freedoms are shrinking everyday. And, I hope that we will have have the where with all to realize that, if we allow this to happen to others, someday it may be us. Stephanee - WA

The Center for American Progress has recommended a set of policy strategies that includes improving access to critical services; improving the quality of care provided to pregnant women; addressing maternal and infant mental health; ensuring supports for families before and after birth; and improving data collection and oversight. If implemented fully, these policy strategies will allow African American women to navigate a more compassionate and woman-centered health care system and do so freely with the bodily autonomy they deserve. The policy strategies also promote the overall health and well-being of families of color, helping to instigate better health outcomes for African American infants and ensure that they thrive throughout childhood.

The matrix of my ideas, now as in all of my other articles, is in varying proportions phenomenological, pragmatist, and skeptical. I am far less concerned with rationalistic hypotheticals than I am with pragmatic, realistic details. That idea which is more consistent with both lived experience and the best evidence available is temporarily the one I find most compelling. This is why I accept the compatibilist definition of free will and a phenomenological and pragmatist response to the rationalism-empiricism debate. And this is also the reason that, in that first article, I used the ideas of James Rachels as a springboard for formulating an account of functionally objective (yet not metaphysically objective) morality.


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