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Distributed Systems Concepts and Design Fifth Edition: How to Apply Theory to Practice with Solution

The aim of the course is to provide the fundamentals for the design and implementation of distributed systems. The main metrics for the analysis of a distributed system will be introduced. The systemic-architectural aspects of distributed systems will be introduced, analyzing various models (client-server, multi-tier, peer-to-peer, etc). Furthermore, the course will deal with the main distributed algorithms used in different application contexts. Finally, the main solutions for the realization of modern distributed applications will be described and analyzed.

Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: the student will be able to apply the knowledge acquired with the aim of designing distributed applications. He will also be able to design and implement prototype distributed systems.

Distributed systems concepts and design fifth edition solutions to exercises

Learning skills: the student will learn the ability to design and implement systems based on descriptive requirements and specifications that specify the type of content and operations necessary for the management of a distributed application.

Associated with each module are learning objects such as prerequisite modules, lecture notes, problems, sample solutions, and programming or laboratory exercises. Modules in different courses can be linked to each other, facilitating implementation of a networked curricular model. Furthermore, the blended learning approach, where students are responsible for perusing certain learning objects outside of class, allows the focus of face-to-face meetings to shift from lecture to active learning, interactive problem-solving, and reflective instructional tasks.

moves through heterogeneous networks autonomously, migrating from host to host, and interacting with other agents [7]. Agent-based distributed application design is gaining wider acceptance, as it provides an efficient and robust framework for tasks ranging from information retrieval to the administration of complex distributed systems [8]. Agents are also used in environments where intelligent software can help increase performance and reliability; such scenarios are evident in the use of agents in search and tracking applications. The advantages of mobile agent technology in supporting disconnected operation, load balancing, and reducing network traffic in global information sharing have been extensively studied in the literature. As an example, a quantitative study of the effect of mobile agents on reducing communication cost, improving response time, and conserving energy is reported in [9].

Based on the refined functional decomposition diagram and the pruning steps from the concept classification tree, the concept combination table was used to match different solutions together to generate different concepts. Table 7 presents the three possible concept combinations of the three key subproblems. Table 7. Concept combination table for pinch enhancer. Combination Convert electrical to translational energy Sense trip of device Applying translational energy 1 Linear actuator Voice command Linkage Linear transfer 2 DC motor Push start button Wire cables 3 DC motor Finger movements Linkage

Using the TRIZ tool to identify root causes of degrading finger pinch function and generate solutions helped to unearth a more mechanical and product-oriented perspective of the biological challenge of finger weakness among elderly people. Although changes in the body would require physiological investigations, the systematic nature of TRIZ could lead researchers to solutions from other branches such as biomechanical, design and human factors engineering that may have been overlooked by experts of the field.

Using the TRIZ recommended solutions and shortlisted concepts, this study could be extended to the product design and proof-of-concept stages. It would be viable and of interest for researchers to prototype and test this concept, which uses DC motors to actuate wires for the flexible control of fingers.

The paper has clear value from engineering point of view as it brings a story, develops a design case study and presents several concepts of finger grip enhancer. They can be used (and I have to say I already recommended the paper to several designers) by practicing engineers, physiotherapists and Do-It-Yourself enthusiasts who want to improve the life of people around them.

This article has fulfilled certain criteria that make it a good research article, such as purpose, rigor, objectivity and replicability. The authors have shown comprehensive steps when applying the TRIZ method to come out with a reliable, conceptual design of a grip enhancer. One particular comment about what needs to be improved is on the screening of 5 different concepts. A set of general criteria were used, and modified. However, it was not explained in detail how the selection process was done, such as who are the evaluators and on what capacity. Furthermore, criteria F mentioned in the text was not clear, who is PKN? This step is key and significant for the next process of selection of the right concept chosen.

Laboratory exercises closely follow the syllabus of the subject anddemonstrate physical phenomena in a hands on fashion. Interactivedemonstrations help students further understand hydrodynamic stability,fluid viscosity, hydrostatic pressure as well as pressure in a movingfluid. Several laboratories are designed to demonstrate basicprinciples and flow features present in common ocean engineeringproblems. Such laboratory exercises include basic flow around circularcylinders, vortex-induced vibrations, lift and drag versus angle ofattack of a hydrofoil, ship resistance and model testing, and propellerthrust and cavitation

Subject 13.49 Maneuvering and Control of Surface and UnderwaterVehicles was transitioned to the internet in the fall semester of 2000.During 2001 the material posted on the internet was constantly refinedand in fall 2001 was taught in its new form with great success. Adedicated, password-protected server has been set up to post lecturenotes and revisions, and homework exercises and solutions. In addition,we developed the capability for students to perform time/domainsimulation and linear controller design over the web using the Matlabweb server. This feature is especially useful for learning aboutcontrol of dynamic systems without becoming bogged down in the specificsyntax of advanced controller design in Matlab.

Professor Nicholas Patrikalakis continued with his Solid FreeformFabrication (SFF) research, a major NSF and ONR project which has asits objective the development of a generalized solid modeling methodfor SFF, providing support for design, representation, visualization,and manufacture of solids with local composition control (LCC), whichis not possible in today's CAD/CAM systems. In the CAD area,Professor Patrikalakis works on two additional NSF-funded projects. Thefirst relates to the intrinsic watermarking of solid bounded bysculptured surfaces, thereby providing a method for objectidentification and ownership protection in an electronic environment.The second project relates to robust intersection algorithms andrectification of CAD models to allow their correct interpretationduring translation from one CAD system to another. In addition,Professor Patrikalakis based on early work on his NOAA-funded project,Poseidon: A Coastal Zone Management System over the World Wide Web,initiated research on a new major NSF/ITR project, also under the namePoseidon, for rapid real time interdisciplinary ocean forecasting in adistributed computing environment focusing on adaptive sampling andadaptive modeling aspects of the problem.

Over the course of the Grand Challenges in Earthquake Engineering Research workshop, 13 grand challenge problems emerged and were summarized in terms of five overarching themes including: community resilience framework, decision making, simulation, mitigation, and design tools. Participants suggested 14 experimental facilities and cyberinfrastructure tools that would be needed to carry out testing, observations, and simulations, and to analyze the results. The report also reviews progressive steps that have been made in research and development, and considers what factors will accelerate transformative solutions.

This course educates the concepts, problem formulations, solutions and basic principles for network control systems. Through this course, students are expected to learn typical control problems, applications and basic principles of network control systems. This would help students have access to the state-of-the-art in systems and control, necessary for new research on this topic. Students will acquire several background knowledge such as dissipativity theory, optimization theory and retrofit control theory. 2ff7e9595c

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